Safe Driving Tips for Winter

Winter has arrived, and we have already had a taste of how cold winters can be. The cold

weather and winter weather conditions call for some adjustments in our driving to be


AAA reminds us that dangerous driving conditions in winter are a factor in a half million

crashes and more than 2000 road deaths every winter. So, it is important for drivers to

know the safety rules for driving in winter, especially in danger weather conditions. Here

are some recommendations from AAA:

Cold Weather Driving Tips

  • Carry cold weather gear in your car: extra food and water, warm clothing, a

flashlight, a window scraper, blankets, medications, medications, cell phone and

charger, and more.

  • Check your tires regularly. Make sure they are properly inflated and have

plenty of tread.

  • Always keep your gas tank at least half full to help prevent gas line freezing.

  • Never warm up your car in an enclosed area such as a garage. The build up of

carbon monoxide can be deadly.

  • Never use cruise control when driving on snow or slippery roads.

Tips for Driving in the Snow

  • Don’t. Stay home unless you absolutely must get out on the roads.

  • Drive slowly. Adjust your speed to account for lower traction on snowy roads.

  • Accelerate and slow down slowly. Remember that it takes more time to stop

    of snow and ice.

  • Increase your following distance.

  • Brake correctly. Avoid sudden braking and always brake firmly and slowly.

  • Don’t stop if you can avoid it. Once you stop, it is easy to become stuck. If

possible, drivel very slowly so that you can always keep some momentum.

  • Don’t power up hills. You can spin out of control.

  • Don’t stop going up a hill. It is hard to get moving again on a hill once you

have stopped.

Tips for Long-Distance Winter Trips

  • Prepare your car. Have it checked before leaving on your trip.

  • Check the Weather along your route in advance. If bad weather is predicted,

consider delaying your trip.

  • Stay Connected. Notify family and friends and let them know your route,

destination, and time of arrival.

  • If You Get Stuck in Snow:

o   Stay in your vehicle. It will provide you shelter.

o   Don’t overexert yourself.

o   Be visible. Tie a brightly colored cloth to your antenna or hanging for a

rolled-up window. At night, keep your dome light on.

o   Clear the exhaust pipe to avoid dangerous carbon monoxide build up.

o   Stay warm. Use whatever you can: floor mats, paper, maps, blankets,

extra clothing.

o   Conserve fuel. Run the engine and heater just long enough to remove the


For more information on safe winter driving, check out AAA Exchange website at Safe

Driving Tips.

Also check out this AAA YouTube video on safe winter driving tips at Click Here.

Source: AAA Exchange